These day,i'm very addicted with blogging...haha..good thing to start with..right???
Previously,i'm very down,feel like why i'm studying abroad???it's nothing better compared with studying domestically, is it because of loneliness?i always deny that i am not afraid of desolateness but realistically, i always need companion stay beside me, not necessary my friends, what i really miss probably is my family, i thought i was tough enough to avoid unnecessary homesick? Honestly~i'm not that tough enough to the matter of homesick..i'd called my mom twice in this couples of week but she didn't happen to pick up my call~what she was busying with???she used to call me very often~~~
And another thing is that i am badly ill~suffering with running nose and cough~
i gonna cough my lungs out's real suffocating...further down,i seem like learnng nothing since the first lecture class till now...kinda worry about my study...seem like nothing getting in the right lane =.=" and my classmates looks pretty good in everything~
Despite the previous matters, i found out that my English is still way to far to the actual UK english...trying hard to figure what problem with my english but unfortunately seem like nothing gonna come out this soon~daily conversation, level of understanding, vocabulary and expression etcetera(etc) not any simply that i expected but way too difficult =.="
HOWEVER, good luck would have it, something pleasant do a consolation when i'm dying down~my basketball mates do treat me well, especially the two big black guys,Romeo and Junior, glad to have u guys as my friends...sincerely appreciate all the joyful and hard time we had got through throughtout every sessions we got~we built our relationship with sweat, trust, reliant, courage and the most significant encouragement...Hope i really can mix with u guys,walking in ur life, i deeply believe it will be brilliant~^^
This morning~i attended a "strenght and conditioning" session..oh gosh~it was so hard..and the trainer said he already make it the easiest for us as majority people didn't have breakfast..=.="
We got 2 sets, first set in 30seconds in every single part and the following is 45seconds..but he said suppose to be at least 1minute..and i like,what???!!! He said he hope to see us next week...i think i'll most likely to skip this silly stuff=.="...Now i understand why British's football is so prestige throughout the night, as in few hours ago to be more specific..just finish my Friday trainig session..feel like the coach is now more emphasize on me..hahaXD..good stuff to start with...seem like something has a proportion playing in the court has increased dramatically~Great~~~at least, what i'd paid,i get a return for it...try hard,opportunity always given to the one that prepared...hold it or lose it ^^
Ohya~nearly forget to mention something important~i gonna stop smoking...and i really mean it..but i literally smoke for fun and i called it as social smoking when hanging around with friends..however,the amount of intake is getting seriously excessive..for my own good and future..i gonna stop it,hopefully i can make and i'll make sister said something very inspirable, "Smokers wont get old as smoking kills younger" Haha,fairly true..i just wanna stay in this world pass this message to my grand children and hopefully grand-grand children if possibility do exist..
Whao~this is too long like i writting an uni essay,hahaXD...^^" gonna stop right here~i had been edited this blog 3 time,haha i have too much to say~
PS: to my all lovely followers..does anyone says that my blog is too long or too irritating...making guys hard to read or continue to finish it???leave me a comment..many thanks..appreciate with your kindly cooperation (605words)XP